The characteristics
Silver Emulsion on watercolour paper, gives a very specific look and feel to the photograph. The brush strokes add more dynamic. Different types of watercolour paper are being used; medium and rough.

Silver emulsion adds more drama to the subject. It can be useful to emphasise movement or specific parts of the main event. When the paper is too smooth the scene becomes too flat and it looses its dynamic character.

Silver Emulsion combining with watercolour paint
At the moment Petra-Puk is experimenting with the combination of watercolour painting and photography. The process is a challenging one, because the paper needs a thorough washing. The results of the experiments will be appearing as posts on this website. The first results will appear on this website by the end of June 2024.
Collages; the expected next step. Two paths are starting to occur; nicely developed combinations of photographs & photo-grams and collages. The artist is always pushing the art outside the roams of 2-D presentations. The “Combines” created by Robert Rauschenberg are a great inspiration.